Wednesday 21 October 2009

How to stay motivated after redundancy

We tend to think of our job primarily as a source income so if we are made redundant then it is easy to surmise that money is the only thing we are missing out on. However the daily routine of going to work also provides our life with other important ingredients such as discipline and human contact. When these factors are removed because a job is lost then motivational problems can set it.

It’s quite ironic that when we have a job we can spend a lot of time wishing we didn’t have to work but when it is gone we overlook all the different benefits that it adds to our life!

Therefore, in order to keep motivated when no longer working you need find other ways of building a disciplined routine and getting sufficient human contact.

When you are out of work it is very easy to get into a routine of going to bed late and getting up late. In the short term this might be fun and a welcome opportunity to rest and relax but eventually it can lead to a sense of despondency, lack of drive and even depression. It is essential to build a new daily routine to avoid this downside.

I’m not suggesting that you continue to drag yourself out of bed at 6am as if you were still at work and run out of the house a few minutes later clutching a piece of half-eaten toast. Instead, consider the ideas below:

• Decide to get up between 8am and 9am everyday and ensure that you are in bed by midnight.

• Arrange to meet up with a friend a couple of mornings a week so that you are forced to get up and out at a reasonable time. If you know other people who have been made redundant then you can all help each other to stay motivated.

• Decide on a time period each day that you will spend investigating the job market and making applications.

• Find ways to be around people even if you are not in direct conversation with them. When I first started working at home I really missed human contact. However I found that working in a cafĂ© for an hour, or a public space, satisfied this craving for human company. This need not be an expensive pursuit. For example, spending an hour reading the newspaper in your local library every morning won’t cost a penny.

• Make sure that you are active as this will benefit you both mentally and physically. For example, you might decide to go out for a one hour walk before midday or perhaps you could dust down your old push bike and explore your local area on two wheels. Again, exercise does not have to cost money – fresh air is free!

There are also advantages to having a period of not working. Now you can take up that new hobby to which you previously never had the time to commit or you can resurrect an old hobby that you just hadn’t got around to for years. You can have more quality time with your family, watch your children grow up and have more time to pay attention to their needs. You can also contribute to your community; spending an hour or so having tea and cake with an elderly neighbour will be of great benefit to both of you.

This period of unemployment is a great opportunity to reclaim neglected aspects of your life. Then, when you do find a new job you can look back on this episode with fondness rather than despair. You might even find that you enjoyed taking time to smell the roses and determine to carry this principle into your new working life.

Cali Bird is a life coach, writer and speaker. Cali specialises in working with people to excavate their long lost goals and desires. She then helps them find a way to get started on these dreams whilst fulfilling their current responsibilities. To download a free ebook “Top Ten Tips To Lead The Life You Want To Lead” go to Cali's website.

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